The Flavorkey™ Culinary Pulser (CP)

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Guaranteed Tasty Juicy And Tender Blue Ribbon Quality Meat Prepared By You The Coolest Culinary Cat Around ​ 

You Know the Importance of Texture  

The Flavorkey™ CP may just be the best meat preparation tool since the saltshaker. It allows you to easily give your meats that hedonistic “it factor” without the hours brining traditionally takes. It is not just another meat tenderizer, it’s not just an instant briner; it’s not just a marinade assist tool. It’s all that, in one. And more. It’s the all-on-one tool that makes brining quick, convenient and easy so you can have juicy, tender meat every time. When you seek blue-ribbon quality meat quickly, there is only one obvious choice: The Flavorkey™ CP.  

The Flavorkey has the power to consistently help you give your meats that “magical” quality. While most cooks simply focus on taste or aroma, you know there's more. The real key is nailing that perfect combination of controlled texture and juiciness. Why is the perfect texture so powerful? Why has this fact eluded so many others for so long? It’s easy — because we humans can't rationalize it before your natural instinct does. Textural information reaches the primitive parts of our brains, including the parts that control emotion, long before the “thinking part” has any idea why we like or dislike something. With the Flavorkey, you can master texture, and juiciness, with ease. Now you can quickly and flawlessly control the perfect texture and juiciness of your meat.

Why you need a Flavorkey™ CP 

​​The Flavorkey™ CP is for the novice cook, the foodie cook, and anyone who wants to take their cooking skills to the next level. It’s for people who consider eating one of life's great experiences — for people who seek the very best. This is for anyone with a desire to quickly turn each meal into a delicious masterpiece. The Flavorkey™ CP is for people like us. We believe great cuisine can be even better and even simpler. We want family, friends and dining guests to experience food through our Flavorkey™ CP as an expression of our love — an expression far beyond pleasing the physical senses.